
Object Capture Tips and Tricks

Jack Wang · Jan 21, 2025

Object Capture (Object Mode) has a beautiful user interface which also offers a straightforward capturing experience. However, Object Capture is surface dependent, and there have been occassions where users fail to get the perfect results. This scanning method favors items with abundant feature points, and it's typically best to choose objects that have more complex surfaces to capture. We recommend starting out with objects like a piece of wood or a rock.

Depending on the capture status, the UI may ask you to flip the object to obtain more data, but it's not a guaranteed process. The algorithm is smart enough to know if it's got all the data it wants, so just follow the UI and you'll most likely get decent results!

Your objective:

  • Fill up the dotted lines in each of your rotations.
  • If the dots stop refreshing and updating as you turn, try moving your camera back and forth for the algorithm to pick up.
  • The algorithm is smart, trust it and walk through the process!